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Speech Therapy

Is Speech Therapy Right For Your Child?

Common reasons why parents will consider pediatric ST:

  • My child has trouble with the pronunciation or enunciation of words.

  • My child has difficulty with putting sentences together.

  • My child possesses a limited vocabulary for their age.

  • My child cannot follow simple directions or answer questions.

  • My child struggles with chewing or swallowing their food.

  • My child has a diagnosis that requires unconventional methods of communication or has suffered significant hearing loss.

What Do Pediatric Speech Therapists Do?

Once an initial assessment is performed, the speech-language pathologist will determine the best course of action. Speech-language pathologists strive to make every therapy session feel like play, especially for their youngest clients! They will interact with a child by playing and talking, using pictures, books, objects, or ongoing events to stimulate language development. In addition to using repetition exercises to build language skills, they might also work on a variety of oral exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth for eating, drinking, and swallowing. Speech therapists will also give parents and children the tools they need to improve their language skills, and they'll say it’s the time spent using those tools at home and in the children’s natural environment that really creates lasting change. Practicing what is learned at the therapy appointments is just as important as the appointments themselves.

Common Speech Milestones For Children

Birth to Sixth Months​

  • Reacts to loud noises

  • Can change cry based on need

  • Notices toys that make sound

  • Babbles when excited or upset

Six Months to One Year

  • Enjoys playing peek-a-boo

  • Understands words for common items such as "juice" or "bottle"

  • Responds to requests

  • Has one or two simple words by first birthday

One to Two Years

  • Can follow simple commands such as "where's your ball?"

  • Starts to acquire new words on a regular basis

  • Enjoys simple rhymes, songs, and stories

  • Uses very simple questions like "Where doggy?" or "Go bye-bye?" 

Two to Four Years

  • Speaks in a way that is understood by close family members and friends

  • Uses two or three-word phrases

  • Answers simple questions like "who?" or "what?"

  • Can start to talk about activities from daycare or preschool.

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